August/September 1998

 Still getting ready to walk to school

August 25th 1998

Monday Labor day weekend.  We had a picnic the day before for the Studebaker Club so we were all a little tired.  Duke behaved well with the 60 or so people that we had come that day and he did not spend a second in his cage.  He stole the odd bratwurst but people were impressed with his good behavior.  Here we relax by the camp fire.

September 7th 1998

Jaime is bringing out a snack and of course "Donut Duke" can smell food a mile off.  No she is not teasing him he just happened to join the picture at the last second. 

September 7th 1998 - Snack time

Steven entertains us by the fire, either doing his "Bee Gee" impression of "Staying Alive" or a scene from Titanic "I AM THE KING OF THE WORLD".  Duke looks on "What is he doing???"

September 7th 1998 - The entertainment!!

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